ANS-FORTH Compatibility Package for F-PC

The ANS-FORTH Compatibility Package for F-PC allows you to use F-PC (which complies to the FORTH-83 standard) to develop ANS-Forth programs.

The ANS-FORTH Compatibility Package for F-PC now supports not only the Core and Core extensions word sets (as has been done by the single file ANSI.SEQ from the F-PC distribution) but also the Double-Number, Facility, File-Access and String word sets as well as conditional compilation via [IF] [ELSE] and [THEN] on top of this still exciting Forth system.

The following code is public domain software. You can retrieve the readme file and the following ANS-Forth support files for F-PC:

- Core and Core extension word set
- Conditional compilation words [IF] [ELSE] [THEN]
- Double-Number word set
- Parts of the Facilty word set
- File-Access word set
- Parts of the String word set
- A load file, which includes all above files and sets up F-PC to use them.

- All of that above in the single basket (ca. 20kB)
In case you now want to have F-PC just to try and use the ANS-FORTH Compatibility Package for F-PC you can download the final (3.6) release of F-PC from taygeta.

Bug reports, comments and sugestions are welcome.

Ulrich Hoffmann (, $Date: 1999/04/10 11:43:47 $